Tuesday May 23
16:10 –
Halsted Hub

Navigating Complexity and Reinforcing System Security


As engineers, we all know that delivering secure and reliable software is not an easy feat. Today’s systems are complex, dynamic, non-linear, and unpredictable, it's not a surprise that keeping our systems secure against threats in this challenging ecosystem has become exponentially more difficult.

But what if there was a way to approach this problem differently? In this talk we will explore the Security Chaos Engineering (SCE), a proactive approach to building confidence in the security of complex systems through continuous security experimentation. By experimenting with different scenarios, organizations can gain a more realistic understanding of their security practices and reduce the likelihood of security blind spots that could result in an erosion of trust and system safety.

In this session, Aaron Rinehart, the pioneer of SCE and co-author of the O'Reilly books on the topic, will share his expertise and guide you through the process of getting started in applying the practice. With SCE, you can proactively identify and navigate security unknowns, giving you the peace of mind that your software is secure and reliable. Join us to learn how to build confidence in your system's security and navigate the complex, ever-evolving world of software engineering.

Chaos Engineering
cyber security