Early Bird extended due to popular demand





Vanilla JavaScript Web App Development
GOTO Chicago 2024

Vanilla JavaScript Web App Development

Wednesday Oct 23
09:00 –
795.00 USD

Register for this masterclass

In this workshop, you will delve into Vanilla JavaScript and basic DOM manipulation techniques, focusing on developers who are starting with JavaScript or are primarily using libraries such as React, Angular, or Vue. Maximiliano Firtman will guide you through the fundamentals, empowering you to build efficient web applications without relying on third-party libraries by just using modern JavaScript and browser APIs. You will also gain insights into the core concepts behind popular libraries and frameworks, enhancing your problem-solving skills and reducing dependencies in your projects.

  • Master Vanilla JavaScript and basic DOM manipulation

  • Learn how to create efficient web applications using browser APIs - Understand the core concepts behind popular libraries and frameworks and how to code just what you need

  • Enhance your problem-solving skills and reduce dependencies

  • Understand how the browser works to make ultra-fast webapps


  • Introduction
  • What is Vanilla JavaScript
  • Why Vanilla JavaScript
  • Project Overview
  • Main Script Setup
  • DOM Manipulation
  • Event Handling
  • Form Handling
  • Fetching Data
  • Browser Routing & History API
  • SPA Router from Scratch
  • Dynamic Routing
  • Overview & Custom Elements
  • HTML Templates
  • Shadow DOM
  • Declarative Shadow DOM
  • Creating Web Components
  • Loading Templates
  • Course Wrap-Up