Early Bird extended due to popular demand





Are you a journalist in the area of software development?

We'd like to invite you to participate in GOTO Chicago 2024 with our program for writers.

By joining our writer program, you will have the opportunity to engage with renowned speakers, industry experts and fellow journalists who share a passion for software development. Your presence at GOTO Chicago will not only provide you with access to cutting-edge presentations and workshops but also enable you to network with like-minded individuals and build valuable connections.

As a participant in our writer program, you will receive special privileges and benefits designed to enhance your conference experience. These may include:

  • Access to exclusive content: Gain insights into the latest advancements, trends and breakthroughs in software development through exclusive sessions, keynote presentations and panel discussions.
  • Interview and networking opportunities: Connect with influential speakers and thought leaders, conducting interviews or discussions that can enrich your blog content and establish valuable relationships within the industry.
  • Media pass and recognition: Receive a media pass that grants you access to all conference areas, and gain recognition as an official participant of the writer program.
  • Content promotion: We will actively promote and share your conference-related blog posts, articles and social media updates through our official channels, thereby increasing your visibility and reach.

In exchange for a complimentary three-day conference pass to GOTO Chicago 2024, you will commit to write a minimum of three articles: before (published before October 21, 2024), during and after the conference.

The articles must be based on the GOTO Chicago 2024 conference program (speakers, schedule, keynotes, topics etc.) but you have the freedom to write whatever is on your on your mind and what has your focus. During the conference, we can help you arrange interviews with speakers or if you have any other cool ideas for blog posts.

Each post should be published on your own/company's website and actively promoted on social media channels, where you tag our handles where possible. We kindly ask that you also send us the link so we can help promote your piece on all our channels as well! Please note that the GOTO team reserves the right to quote you in our newsletters, social media and other marketing campaigns with link back to your post.

If you would like to join the GOTO Chicago 2024 writer program or have any questions, please send an email to Bara with your name, email address, social media handle, link to your blog, reader statistics (such as number of subscribers or page views) and topic area(s) of your interest.

We are looking very much forward to hearing from you and welcoming you at GOTO Chicago 2024!