Early Bird extended due to popular demand





Lightning Talks at GOTO Chicago: Are you ready to showcase your ideas?

At GOTO Chicago, you have 15 minutes to present your latest ideas, projects, or insights shaping the future of technology. These talks are a great chance for everyone, from emerging talents to experienced professionals, to make an impact, share knowledge, and connect with like-minded innovators. 

Who Should Participate?

  • Tech enthusiasts: If you have a project or idea that you believe is worth sharing, we’re interested.
  • Innovators and developers: Whether it’s demonstrating a new code or introducing a gadget, your creative tech insights are welcome
  • Early in your career: Curious about the big stage, but haven’t taken the plunge? This could be your moment to shine!

Format and Rules

  • Quick insights: Each presentation is strictly timed at 13-15 minutes. We expect you to wrap up when the buzzer rings.
  • Everyone is welcome: If your topic is relevant to software developers and tech enthusiasts, it’s suitable for our stage.
  • Equipment in the room: HDMI connection to projector. Microphone. Timer. BYO device for screen sharing/slides/code.
  • Make it fun: We encourage presentations that are both informative and enjoyable. Feel free to use visual aids or demonstrations to enhance your talk.

How to Apply

Submit your proposal: We are currently accepting submissions for Lightning Talks. Share your innovative ideas with us!

The deadline is August 31, 2024, but early submissions are preferred.

Day pass: If selected, you’ll receive a complimentary pass to attend GOTO Chicago on the day of your talk.

Submit Your Proposal