GOTO Nights
Free upcoming GOTO Nights in Chicago
GOTO Nights are free evening community events driven by involvement from both speakers and participants. Come along to network with your peers - and stay up to date with the latest tools, technologies, processes and practices in the software industry! We will provide you with a first class speaker (or two) and a light meal - all you have to do is: sign up and show up
Do you have an idea for the next cool GOTO Night topic or have any questions? Send an e-mail to Helene Simoni Thorup.
February 27, 2017
Feel the Hum of your System + Microservices vs. The First Law of Object Design
Kresten Krab Thorup & Phil Calcado
Location: ThoughtWorks, 200 East Randolph St., 25th Floor, Chicago, IL
March 22, 2017
Transforming Programming with Dave Thomas
Dave Thomas
Location: Morningstar, 22 West Washington Street, 7th Floor, Chicago, IL
April, 4, 2017
Introduction to Machine Learning for Java Developers
Frank Greco
Location: Expedia, 3rd Floor Madison Room, 500 West Madison St, Chicago, IL
February 16, 2017
Handling Eventual Consistency in JVM Microservices with Event Sourcing
Kenny Bastani & Chris Richardson
Location: Here, 425 W Randolph St, Chicago, Chicago, IL