Early Bird extended due to popular demand





Aaron Parecki

Director of Identity Standards at Okta

Aaron’s masterclass will provide you with a comprehensive introduction to OAuth and OpenID Connect. You will learn how to build an OAuth client from scratch, obtain access tokens to access APIs, and retrieve user information such as user ID and email. You will also gain an in-depth understanding of OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect, and the best practices for developing secure web and native applications.

Talks at GOTO Chicago 2024

Masterclasses at GOTO Chicago 2024

Aaron Parecki is an Identity Standards Architect at Okta with over 15 years of experience in the industry. He is active in multiple standards development organizations (SDOs), including IETF, OpenID Foundation, and W3C. He is the editor of OAuth 2.1 along with several other OAuth specifications, and co-chairs the SCIM working group at IETF. He has taught the fundamentals of OAuth and online security to thousands of developers worldwide through his book OAuth 2.0 Simplified as well as video courses and live online trainings.