Early Bird extended due to popular demand





Preben Thorö

Chairman for the GOTO Program Committees, Group CTO Trifork

I enjoy understanding how things work - whether it's the world at large, group dynamics, or the details of smaller and bigger things. I like to grasp the context of any given situation, which is also the number one key to building great user experiences. I began my developer career back in the days of 8-bit architecture, which taught me a lot about the fundamentals of what we do. Over the years, I have taken on almost every role you can think of within software development.

In my spare time, I tend to be very active and I'm rarely at rest.

Talks at GOTO Chicago 2024

Preben is very aware of the enormous responsibility the software business has, the impact software has on our life and planet and his hope is that parts of this shine through in the GOTO Conferences.

As the CTO at Trifork and GOTO Conference program responsible, Preben is part of a team always on the search for new, interesting and upcoming movements out there. With his math and physics mind, he is constantly trying to understand the forces that drive individuals, group dynamics, society, and the universe.