Ed Burns
Software stylist, speaker, and author, currently working in the server side Java spaceTalks at GOTO Chicago 2017
The Future of Java
Georges Saab
Freddy Guime
Ed Burns
Bob Paulin
Monday May 1 @ 10:35 AM
Secrets of the Above Average Programmers
Ed Burns
Monday May 1 @ 2:35 PM
Ed Burns is currently a consulting member of the technical staff at Oracle America Inc., where he leads a team of Web experts from across the industry in developing Enterprise Java through the Java Community Process and in open source. He is the author of four books for McGraw-Hill: Secrets of the Rock Star Programmers (2008), JavaServerFaces: The Complete Reference (co-authored with Chris Schalk, 2006), JavaServer Faces 2.0: The Complete Reference (co-authored with Chris Schalk and Neil Griffin, 2009), and Hudson Continuous Integration inPractice (co-authored with Winston Prakash, 2013). Ed loves speaking at IT conferences and has been doing so around the world since 2005.