Distributed Systems and Beyond
Practicalities of Productionizing Distributed Systems, 2018Jeff HodgesWednesday Apr 25, 10:15
Designing Features for Mature Systems: Lessons Learned from MantaJordan HendricksWednesday Apr 25, 11:15
Building Distributed Systems with KubernetesErik St. MartinWednesday Apr 25, 13:00
Distributed Data Stores on KubernetesAlena HallWednesday Apr 25, 14:00
Jepsen 9: A Fsyncing FeelingKyle KingsburyWednesday Apr 25, 15:15
Arrested DevOps Live!Bridget KromhoutWednesday Apr 25, 16:15
Aon Grand Ballroom
Topic Description
"What sets distributed systems engineering apart is the probability of failure and, worse, the probability of partial failure." - Notes on Distributed Systems for Young Bloods by Jeff Hodges (2013)
Wise words that still are true. This track features speakers from top organizations dealing with the issues of distributed systems hands-on.