Get Up to Speed with Angular 2
GOTO Chicago 2017Wednesday May 3
9:00 AM –
4:00 PM
Lucerne 3
Maybe you worked with Angular 1 or Angular is brand new to you? Either way, this workshop is for you. In this full-day workshop we will explore the fundamentals of Angular 2 and learn what's involved with creating custom applications using this powerful client side web framework. Along the way you will learn tips and tricks that you can leverage in your applications. During this workshop we will create a custom application that covers topics you will most likely run across in the applications you need to build such as authentication, hosting, navigation, calling 3rd party services and leveraging external libraries.
Session Level(s)
- Overview
- Intermediate
- Advanced
Session Details
This is a full day workshop.
Topic Area(s:
- Developer Essentials
Learning Objectives
- Learn how Angular 2 is different from Angular 1
- Learn core concepts & patterns with Angular 2
- Learn how to build robust Angular 2 applications
Session Prerequisites:
Soft Skills:
- JavaScript development experience
- TypeScript development experience preferred
Laptop & Pre-loaded Software:
- Visual Studio Code
Target Attendee Job Titles:
- Developer (junior / senior)
- Development manager
Target SharePoint versions:
- 09:00 Workshop starts
- 10:30 Break
- 12:00-13:00 Lunch
- 14:30 Break
- 16:00 Workshop ends