Tuesday May 2
13:30 –
Vevey 1-2
Apache Flink - The State of the Art in Streaming Computation
In this hands-on talk we’ll be covering the latest and greatest features in Apache Flink — the fast-moving and state-of-the-art streaming processing engine.
The talk will provide an overview of Apache Flink but move quickly to demonstrating the latest and greatest features of Apache Flink at the time of the conference. Things move fast with Flink so it’s sure to be exciting and interesting.
During the talk we’ll write code on-the-fly as we work through Flink’s state-of-the-art capabilities.
Likely subjects will include dynamically re-scalable stateful streaming computation, Streaming SQL, Savepoints, Very Large State Support, joining streams against external data sources hyper-efficiently, etc.
Processing Data of Any Size with Apache BeamJesse AndersonTuesday May 2, 11:40
Apache Spark Beyond Shuffling - Why it isn't Magic - but also where there is some really cool MagicHolden KarauTuesday May 2, 15:40
Apache Flink - The State of the Art in Streaming ComputationJamie GrierTuesday May 2, 13:30
Fast Data Architectures for Streaming ApplicationsDean WamplerTuesday May 2, 10:35
Cloud Native Data PipelinesSid AnandTuesday May 2, 14:35
Stream All Things - Patterns of Modern Data IntegrationGwen ShapiraTuesday May 2, 16:45