Continuous Delivery Training Course: Theory, Technology and Practice
GOTO Chicago 2018

Continuous Delivery Training Course: Theory, Technology and Practice

Tuesday Apr 24
9:00 AM –
4:00 PM
Room 202

Continuous Delivery is a complex, holistic approach to software development and has a significant impact on the way in which organisations operate. This approach demands a broad range of skills and techniques.

This one day introductory course is designed to introduce, and explore an understanding of, these ideas and techniques. It is primarily aimed at “Change Agents” within organisations, Technical Managers and Leaders, Lead Developers, Lead Architects and so on. It is a fairly high level and does not require detailed technical knowledge. The content is understandable to most people who work closely with software development teams whatever their role.

More specifically this course will give you the tools to help your company become a “Learning Organisation”. It will help you increase efficiency and quality, and reduce risk in your software development process. Our training can teach the techniques that will allow you to increase user satisfaction and make your organisation more innovative.

We do this by teaching an approach that will allow your company to become more experimental and capable of reacting quickly and efficiently to change and allowing your software development process to become a tool that enables this flexibility rather than an impediment to it.

Course Outline:

  • Why CD is taking the software development industry by storm?
  • Why it works?
  • The Fundamental Importance of Cycle-Time and experimentation
  • Anatomy of a Deployment Pipeline
  • Working iteratively and maintaining flow