2 days workshop: Developing microservices
GOTO Chicago 2019

2 days workshop: Developing microservices

Wednesday May 1
9:00 AM –
Thursday May 2
4:00 PM

Enterprises need to deliver better software faster. The microservice architecture has the testability and deployability necessary for DevOps. Chris Richardson walks you through using the microservice architecture to develop your applications, exploring key obstacles you'll face (and how to deal with them) and sharing strategies for refactoring a monolith to a microservice architecture.

What you'll learn, and how you can apply it

By the end of this two-day training course, you'll understand:

  • The essential characteristics of the microservice architecture, its benefits and drawbacks, and when to use it
  • Distributed data management patterns
  • Effective microservice testing strategies
  • Deployment options for microservices
  • Strategies for refactoring a monolithic application to a microservice architecture

And you’ll be able to:

  • Architect an application as a set of microservices
  • Use sagas to maintain data consistency
  • Implement queries that span services
  • Test microservices
  • Refactor a monolith to services

Enterprises need to deliver better software faster. It’s no longer sufficient to release quarterly or even monthly. Instead, organizations must use methods such as DevOps to frequently deploy changes into production, perhaps as often as multiple times per day. However, one obstacle to DevOps-style development is that organizations are often mired in monolithic hell. Key business applications are large, complex, unwieldy monoliths, so it’s impossible to rapidly and safely deploy changes. The solution is to adopt the microservice architecture—an architectural style that has the testability and deployability necessary for DevOps.

Through a combination of lectures, discussions, and kata exercises, Chris Richardson walks you through using the microservice architecture to develop your applications. You’ll learn how to deal with some of the key obstacles you’ll face, including distributed data management, and discover strategies for refactoring a monolith to a microservice architecture.

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