GOTO Masterclass Day
March 3, 2025
GOTO Copenhagen 2025
Sep 29 - Oct 3, 2025
YOW! Australia
All Upcoming Events
Past Events
We're Proud to Present These Amazing Speakers
Keynote Speaker
Award-winning quantum computing researcher
Quantum Computing - (Almost) Everything You Need To Know About It
Masterclass with...
Security expert and Senior Engineer at DRW
Masterclass: Writing secure code (3 hours)
Developer Advocate at SAP
The Rise of Multi-model Databases
Author of "Retrospectives Antipatterns"
The Importance of Laughter
Masterclass: Advanced Retrospective Facilitation
Creator of OpenFaaS, CNCF Ambassador and Author
Welcome to Serverless 2.0
Masterclass: Serverless Kubernetes with OpenFaaS
VP of Engineering at Epsilon-Conversant
Data-Driven Engineering
Independent Developer Educator & Software Engineer
The Language of Programming
Masterclass: First steps into Functional Programming
Principal Open Source Technologist at AWS and CNCF Board Member
Using Kubernetes for Machine Learning Frameworks
Head of DevRel at JFrog and CNCF Ambassador
Without Data, you're just another Person with Opinions
Managing Partner at Cobalt Partners focused on frugal digital innovation
Frugal Innovation
Lead Software Engineer at Morningstar
Using Web Components to Build a Framework-agnostic UI Library
Co-host of Arrested DevOps Podcast & Principal Cloud Developer Advocate at Microsoft
Kubernetes Operability Tooling
Deprecating Simplicity and the Rise of CV
Deprecating Simplicity 3.0
Principal & Lead Software Engineer at Spantree
Robot DJs: Better Spotify Playlists through Music Theory and Discrete Optimization
Principal Developer Advocate - Serverless at Amazon Web Services
Masterclass: Building your First Serverless Web Application
Creator of the original and author of 'POJOs in Action' and 'Microservices patterns'
Not Just Events: Developing Asynchronous Microservices
Masterclass: 2 days workshop: Developing microservices
Leading technical teams for fast-moving companies at scale
What Technical Leads Can Learn from Great General Managers Throughout History
Principal Software Engineer at Morningstar
SVP of AI and ML at Unity Technologies; previously led innovative ML teams at Uber, AWS and Microsoft
On the Road to Artificial General Intelligence
Continuous Delivery Evangelist at Split
Deliver Results, Not Just Releases: Control & Observability in CD
Sr OSS Technical Evangelist at NGINX
Observability, Distributed Tracing & the Complex World
Head of technology for Fitch Solutions
Accelerating Machine Learning DevOps with Kubeflow
Developer Advocate at Netlify Inc
Going Serverless with VueJS
Award-winning AI pioneer who created the landmark Machine Learning program-AM
The Promise and Limitations of AI
OpenFaaS core team contributor
Use Terraform to Scale your Team
Consulting CISO and Security Architect
Principles for Developing More Secure Systems
Principal Developer Advocate at AWS
What Does THIS Button Do? Serverless and IoT
Author, consultant and co-founder of Hapzly
The Happy Movement: How Business Is The Key To Making The World A Happier Place
Senior Vice President of software development for the Java Platform Group at Oracle
Java Current and Future
Event-sourcing expert who first coined the term CQRS
How Does Time Work with an Append-Only Log? A Deep Look Into Time with event sourcing
Masterclass: Event Sourcing: The basics of an Event Sourced system and implementation (3 hours)
Quantum Physicist making quantum programming possible
Getting Started with Quantum Programming
SVP of Strategy and Innovation at Artium, Author of Dynamic Reteaming
Dynamic Reteaming at Fast-Growing Companies
Developer Advocate at LaunchDarkly
All The World’s A Staging Server
Chief Everything Office at Windy Coast Consulting
What We Know We Don't Know: Introduction to Empirical Software Engineering
Masterclass: Getting it Right the First Time: An Introduction to Alloy Modeling
Android Developer at Trello & Co-creator of Android Dialogs
Kotlin: Dissecting the stdlib
Senior Manager at Accenture
DevSecOps, Containers, and Shift-Left, are those just Buzzwords? And why should we Care?
Cloud Architect specializing in Containers at AWS
Masterclass: Up and Running with Amazon EKS
Cloud Native Advocate with Oracle Cloud Native Labs
Serverless is the Abstraction We Deserve
One Half of the weirdtrickmafia Podcast
Why Open Source Firmware is Important
Director of Engineering Leadership Development at Lyft
Re-engineering Inclusion
OWASP Project Leader, AppSec Enthusiast and Java Champion
AppSec: From the OWASP Top Ten(s) to the OWASP ASVS
Masterclass: Building Secure API's and Web Applications
Founder and CEO, Trifork
Conference Opening Monday
Conference Opening Tuesday
Coach, consultant, trainer, experienced engineer and international keynote speaker; founder of Wise Noodles
Swearing, Nudity and Other Vulnerable Positions
Masterclass: Effective collaboration for world beating teams
Works with Developers on Software Fundamentals for DRW
Achieving Functional Programming in Java
Co-author of the "DevOps Handbook"
The Divine and Felonious Nature of Cyber Security - A DevSecOps Story
Adopting gRPC: Overcoming Team and Technical Hurdles
Spring Developer Advocate at Pivotal, Java Champion and author of 6 books
Reactive Spring
Masterclass: Bootiful Reactive Microservices
Enterprise Architect in Accenture
Tinkerer of containers, culture, and tiny shell scripts
Depression and Burnout: the Hardest Refactor I’ve ever done
Masterclass: Getting started with Kubernetes and container orchestration
Author of "Microservices for the Enterprise"
Role of Application Integration in Cloud Native and Microservices Landscape
Developer Evangelist at Twilio advocating for secure software development
Practical Cryptography
CEO at TXI. Founder of Walkshop.
Masterclass: Design Thinking masterclass (3 hours)
Principal User Interface Engineer at Enova International
Vue and You
Host of the Arrested DevOps podcast and Director of Developer Relations at Aiven
Fight, Flight, or Freeze — Releasing Organizational Trauma
The Proactive Approach: Data Driven Observability & Incident Response
ML Engineer at Opendoor and NSF Graduate Research Fellowship award winner
(Deep) Learn a Neural Net For Greater Good!
Director of Software Engineering, Java Virtual Machine at Oracle
The ultimate API expert. #api
Discovering RESTful Web Microservices: A Traveler's Guide
Masterclass: Building Great APIs from the Ground Up
World-leading quantum computing expert at D-Wave
Fueling the Quantum Application Era with the Cloud
Chair of Python Software Foundation
It Really is Easier to Ask for Forgiveness (than Permission)
Masterclass: Level Up Your Python
CEO/CTO at OpenCredo
Journeys To Cloud Native Architecture: Sun, Sea And Emergencies
Developer Advocate at Hazelcast
Securing the JVM
Vice President of Product at Tasktop Technologies
CI/CD is just the Beginning: How to Optimize End-to-end Value Creation with the Flow Framework™
Developer advocate at Mattermost and a board member of Open Sourcing Mental Illness
Co-Founder of Draftbit
ReasonML: React as a Language and what the Future looks like
CEO of Winder.AI, author of "Reinforcement Learning"
Keep it Clean: Why Bad Data Ruins Projects and How to Fix it
Masterclass: Data Science and Machine Learning for Developers (Intermediate)
Masterclass: Data Science and Machine Learning for Developers (Beginner)
Developer Advocate for the Google Cloud Platform
Making Microservices Micro with Istio and Kubernetes
Troubleshooting & Debugging Microservices in Kubernetes
Cloud Developer Advocate at Google UK
Creator of Spring and Co-founder and CEO at Atomist
Why You Need a Software Delivery Machine
Kotlin Libraries Team Lead at JetBrains
Server-side Kotlin with Coroutines
Masterclass: Asynchronous Programming with Kotlin
Creative technologist at Google exploring the possibilities of AI
The Mechanized Pen
Pioneer of Software Craftsmanship and co-founder of Codurance
A Case For Outside-In Design
Masterclass: Crafting Code
The ultimate beacon in the Elixir space; author of one of the most important books, "Elixir in action" #elixir #erlang
The Soul of Erlang and Elixir
Senior Director, Software Engineering at Red Hat
Supersonic, Subatomic Eclipse MicroProfile
Android Developer Advocate at Google
Embracing the Future in a Multi-Platform World: A Kotlin Story
CIO at DRW and dedicated to teaching kids to code
Raising a Coder in an Educational Maelstrom: Advice and Lessons Learned
World-recognized expert on program analysis
Code + AI: Will Robots Take Our Coding Jobs?" Machine Learning Applied to Programming
Disrupting QA – Emerging Trends in Code Quality Automation
Facebook engineer, ex-Yahoo, architect of the YSlow 2.0 performance tool and creator of the image optimization tool
Profiling React Performance
Engineer working on Atom Editor. Destroyer of binaries.
Declarative APIs in an Imperative World
Former Physicist and Sr. Software Engineer at Red Hat
Go vs. Elixir for Distributed Computing
For further questions regarding speakers