We're Proud to Present These Amazing Speakers
Keynote Speaker

Jessica Pointing
Award-winning quantum computing researcher
Masterclass with...

Aaron Bedra
Security expert and Senior Engineer at DRW
Masterclass with...

Aino Vonge Corry
Author of "Retrospectives Antipatterns"
Masterclass with...

Alex Ellis
Creator of OpenFaaS, CNCF Ambassador and Author
Masterclass with...

Anjana Vakil
Independent Developer Educator & Software Engineer
Keynote Speaker

Betty Enyonam Kumahor
Managing Partner at Cobalt Partners focused on frugal digital innovation
Masterclass with...

Chris Munns
Principal Developer Advocate - Serverless at Amazon Web Services
Masterclass with...

Chris Richardson
Creator of the original CloudFoundry.com and author of 'POJOs in Action' and 'Microservices patterns'
Keynote Speaker

Danny Lange
SVP of AI and ML at Unity Technologies; previously led innovative ML teams at Uber, AWS and Microsoft
Keynote Speaker

Doug Lenat
Award-winning AI pioneer who created the landmark Machine Learning program-AM
Masterclass with...

Edward Wilde
OpenFaaS core team contributor
Masterclass with...

Greg Young
Event-sourcing expert who first coined the term CQRS
Masterclass with...

Hillel Wayne
Chief Everything Office at Windy Coast Consulting
Masterclass with...

Jeremy Cowan
Cloud Architect specializing in Containers at AWS
Masterclass with...

Jim Manico
OWASP Project Leader, AppSec Enthusiast and Java Champion
Masterclass with...

John Le Drew
Coach, consultant, trainer, experienced engineer and international keynote speaker; founder of Wise Noodles
Masterclass with...

Josh Long
Spring Developer Advocate at Pivotal, Java Champion and author of 6 books
Masterclass with...

Jérôme Petazzoni
Tinkerer of containers, culture, and tiny shell scripts
Masterclass with...

Mark Rickmeier
CEO at TXI. Founder of Walkshop.
Masterclass with...

Mike Amundsen
The ultimate API expert. #api
Masterclass with...

Naomi Ceder
Chair of Python Software Foundation
Masterclass with...

Phil Winder
CEO of Winder.AI, author of "Reinforcement Learning"
Masterclass with...

Roman Elizarov
Kotlin Libraries Team Lead at JetBrains
Masterclass with...

Sandro Mancuso
Pioneer of Software Craftsmanship and co-founder of Codurance
Keynote Speaker

Seth Thomson
CIO at DRW and dedicated to teaching kids to code
For further questions regarding speakers