Building Next-Gen Cloud-Based Apps: Workshops on Cloud, Serverless, and Container Orchestration

GOTO Chicago 2018
Tuesday Apr 24
9:00 AM –
5:00 PM
Room 324, 325, 326

Get ready for a packed day with a series of synchronous hands-on workshops geared to get you ready to use these new technologies in your everyday dev life.

Major operators in the industry will present their technology stacks across different tracks so you can get answers to the really tough questions and test drive different projects. This series of workshops is set up so that you, as an attendee, can choose to either:

  • Go all in on one major operator's technology stack,
  • Focus on understanding (and using!) the different options available from leading software vendors,
  • Or do a combination of both!


The day will be structured as 6 hands-on workshops across three "tracks" with each session lasting 3 hours. Each track features 2 hands-on learning sessions from leading software vendors including AWS, Pivotal and Microsoft. Once you register, you can jump from one track to another.

Build a Serverless Web Application in One Day
Building a Spring Boot Application
Kubernetes 101
Serverless Data Processing on AWS
Taking a Spring Boot Application to Spring Cloud
Kubernetes 101

Please note that you will only be able to attend 2 sessions during this day. We are working with the vendors to make the workshop material available to all attendees regardless of which mini workshops you choose to attend.

Build a Serverless Web Application in One Day

with Chris Munns, Senior Developer Advocate, Serverless at AWS, Josh Kahn, Senior Solutions Architect at AWS and Angela Wang, Solutions Architect at AWS.

In this workshop you'll learn to build a web application using a serverless architecture. With fresh funding from its seed investors, Wild Rydes is seeking to build the world’s greatest mobile/VR/AR unicorn transportation system. The scrappy startup needs a first-class webpage to begin marketing to new users and to begin its plans for global domination. Join us to help Wild Rydes build a website using a serverless architecture. You’ll build a scalable website using services like AWS Lambda, Amazon API Gateway, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Cognito, and Amazon S3.


Serverless Data Processing on AWS

with Chris Munns, Senior Developer Advocate, Serverless at AWS, Josh Kahn, Senior Solutions Architect at AWS and Angela Wang, Solutions Architect at AWS.

Wild Rydes, the world’s leading unicorn transportation startup, needs your help! In this workshop, we’ll build infrastructure to enable operations personnel at Wild Rydes headquarters to monitor the health and status of their unicorn fleet. Each unicorn is equipped with a sensor that reports its location and vital signs. During this workshop we’ll use AWS to build applications to process and visualize this data in real-time.

We will use a variety of AWS services including: Amazon Kinesis, AWS Lambda, Amazon S3, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Cognito, and Amazon Athena. We’ll use Lambda to process real-time streams, DynamoDB to persist unicorn vitals, Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics to build a serverless application to aggregate data, Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose to archive the raw data to Amazon S3, and Athena to run ad-hoc queries against the raw data.


Building a Spring Boot Application + Taking a Spring Boot Application to Spring Cloud

with Jim Basler, Cloud Application and Platform Architect, and Ajit Kadari, Cloud Application and Platform Architect at Pivotal


  1. Free Pivotal Web Services account
  2. Git installed on your laptop and an account on GitHub or GitLab
  3. Cloud Foundry CLI
  4. Spring Tool Suite (STS) or the Java IDE of your choice

These hands-on workshops will introduce you to key concepts in modern application design with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud. With expert guidance, you will:

  • Get a hands on introduction to microservice architectures and application development.
  • Learn how to iterate with a modern application development lifecycle and specifically how to leverage a platform for continuous delivery.
  • Cover the key operational topics you’ll need to know to confidently run your own microservice applications.


Kubernetes 101

with Bridget Kromhout, Co-host of Arrested DevOps Podcast & Principal Cloud Developer Advocate at Microsoft

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a techie in possession of any production code whatsoever must be in want of a container orchestration platform. What’s up for debate, according to noted thought leader Jane Austen, is how many pizzas the team is going to eat.

Let’s explore how to create and operate a Kubernetes cluster in order to answer this crucial question. If you’re into dev or ops or some portmanteau thereof, this is relevant to your interests. We’ll be following an Azure variant based on the open-source k8s training at, as well as trying out AKS (Azure Container Service); there are takeaways no matter which public or private cloud you use.

As our team grows, we’re going to need to scale our k8s cluster, deploying and configuring our pizza delivery app. We’ll deal with the consequences of state (you know, where your customers and money live) and carry out service discovery between our deliciously independent microservices. We’ll level up on k8s (and pizza) together.

Any questions about this? Email us at